Seigneurie and Fief d'Anneville
The first and the most ancient of the Great private fiefs of the Channel Islands
Still recognised by the state of Guernsey
Connecting to Norman Heritage since AD 1061
Now reviving its lore once again

The current Lord (Seigneur) is Prof. Dr. Paret, the successor of Samson D'Anneville, who liberated the island from pirates and for this received the first private fief, laying the foundation of the modern feudal order of Guernsey. As his predecessor and in his role, Dr. Paret ranks first on the island after the clergy and participates in the Royal Court of Chief Pleas (the ancient governing body of the island and still a state organ) and the dinner with the Bailiff, with the same honors as the ancient Norman Seigneurs of 1100. Dr. Paret also holds the title of Lord of the famed manor of Ivanhoe.

Additionally, Dr. Paret is a Chevalier du Grand Prieuré Russe de l'Ordre de Saint Jean de Jérusalem and a member of the Œuvres Hospitalières de l'Ordre de Saint-Lazare (Outremer).

Samson d'Anneville held an important proto-Templar lineage. Dr. Paret has revived this fief as an institution with international reach, dedicated to transmitting and sharing specific aristocratic teachings of Inner Grail Alchemy and Spiritual Chivalry Initiation. In this context, "aristocratic" refers not to a social class, but to individuals truly dedicated and striving toward excellence ("aristos" in Greek means "the best," and "arete" means "excellence").

Through this unique lineage of uninterrupted continuity, Dr. Paret helps people reconnect directly with such a distinguished past and heritage.

"the noblest tenure in Guernsey"

William Berry wrote: "the Seigneur d'Anneville is first in rank after the clergy". Welcome to the Fief of Anneville, a historical jewel with a thousand year old tradition nestled in the heart of Guernsey, recognized by the state and registered with the Crown and still possessing many of its ancient rights including  jurisdiction and court. The current Hereditary Lord (Seigneur) of Anneville is Dr. Marco Paret. He is the last successor of Sampson d'Anneville that in 1061 A.D. liberated the island from the pirates and began a new era of feudal settlemements in the island-state of Guernsey. The Seigneur is also custodian and "Lord of the Manor of Ivanhoe" in UK, a fabled manor, with this legacy of bravery and leadership mirrored also there. In representing Anneville, Dr. Paret also occupies the same seat that was held by the world-renowned management expert, Cyril Northcote Parkinson.
The fief of Anneville history offers a unique journey through Norman cultural heritage and its influential legacy on Guernsey. It also stands as a testament to a social structure and mindset that cater to unique human needs, often overlooked in our fast-paced world that prioritizes appearances. Discover our emblem, our history and our territory.

Our Proto-Templar Tradition: Engage with the Norman legacy—the profound inner tradition that underpins Chivalry and the mystique of the Inner Grail 

In the new millennium of intangible values, Dr. Paret, as the hereditary Seigneur of Anneville and "Lord of Ivanhoe" in the UK, commits to the cultural renewal of these lordships. Dr. Paret masterfully combines the Norman heritage of Anneville with the noble chivalric values epitomized by Ivanhoe. He has gained entry into exclusive circles and possesses unique knowledge, having been distinguished with the honor of rare accolade initiations and the chivalric presence path. As such, he offers insights into the essence of these traditions, contributing valuable wisdom to the contemporary world.

Traditionally, engaging in this way is meant to develop your being. Your power is inside yourself. Learn the chivalric way to develop it. This path will lead you to cultivate an ethical way of living, overcoming your fears and bad habits (akin to slaying dragons), achieving mental clarity, and enabling you to attain results in daily life (referred to as 'the iron way'), while also fostering your spiritual growth. If you share these ideals, you can ask to be part of his community that explores these fascinating topics and discover the essence and inner alchemy of true spiritual  chivalric initiation. Dr. Paret will guide you through these ancient traditions with simplicity, demonstrating their relevance and utility in our modern lives. Discover how the ancient knights knew also what we could call a "western Kundalini" 

Our Mission:  Transmitting Values. Make the inner Grail real in yourself and contribute to the society

Dr. Paret that is also an author, an international coach and consultant, an academician and a journalist, views his titles as Lord of Ivanhoe and Anneville not merely as formal designations but as roles that gain true significance when aligned with conduct based on specific chivalric values and specific knowledges. Learn about the values we uphold and discover how you too can contribute to spreading these ideals globally by participating in one of our delegations.

If you make the Grail real in yourself you qualify also for Alchemical blazonry In the manner of ancient lords, which convened alchemical circles, we too follow this venerable tradition

Our History in our digital library:
"The oldest and most famous Seigneurie in Guernsey"

Newspaper Articles and rare Documents

We are the successors of the first "secular seigneur" (temporal lord) of Guernsey. Our documents show an uninterrupted path. Back in the 11th century, Duke William of Normandy entrusted Sampson d'Anneville with the task of protecting these lands. Since then, the Fief of Anneville has been a cornerstone in the history of Guernsey, bridging past and present in a vibrant narrative. 

The fief has also many international representations. Dr. Paret, the actual Lord, in one of them.

Who we are

FROM PROF. DR. PARET. Delve into the distinctive Norman heritage of the Fief of Anneville. I am an author, an international researcher and coach, an academician, a journalist a chevalier du Grand Prieurè Russe de l'Ordre de Saint Jean de Jerusalem and a member des Oeuvres Hospitalières de l'ordre de Saint-Lazare (Outremer) and also the custodian of almost 1000 years of history as I am the successor of the first resident Lord ("seigneur") and liberator of the Channel Islands. I represent the historical district of Anneville at the Royal Court of Chief Please that is a state organ. This assembly, though primarily ceremonial and akin to a small House of Lords of the Channel Islands, still retains some decision-making functions and inaugurates the judicial year. The legend says Sampson d'Anneville liberated the islands from the pirates and it is at the begin of the modern feudal settlement of the island. Our institution serves the people of Guernsey and connects directly to the proto-Templar tradition and to the distinguished past of the Templar knights. I have also made it a platform for those interested in the power of hermetic and spiritual chivalry pathways, particularly the Inner Grail aristocratic tradition of "presence in action," in which I was initiated. This aristocratic tradition does not refer to a social class but to a path reserved for the truly dedicated, not intended for the mass market.

Dr. Paret as Seigneur d'Anneville participates in official events in Guernsey

Being Lord of the Seigneurie and fief of Anneville, I fulfill my role as direct successor of the historical  founders Lords and first "seigneurs" of the state of Guernsey and custodian of a part of the cultural heritage of our island. As such I have honours but also duties: as for example to attend official meetings such as the inauguration of the judicial year on the island, presiding over a manorial court, mantaining traditions, and representing the seigneurie and the historic district of Anneville at official functions in the Channel Islands, UK and in other parts of the world ... As a hereditary lord (Seigneur), I am required to attend the royal Court of Chief Pleas annually, a state body with jurisdictional and ceremonial functions acting also as small chamber of Lords in Guernsey. The Seigneurie and private fief of Anneville (that I represent) has been instrumental in shaping Guernsey's social, legal, and cultural fabric for over 960 documented years and for this reason I seat as representative for it in the Royal Court of Guernsey. Only 10 private Fiefs have this kind of Representativity that is enshrined in Law.Furthermore, Furthemore, I am trying to fulfill my role giving more value and cultural  depth to the lordship and promoting the path of chivalric presence. And as I hold the responsibility of being the Lord of the Order of Chivalric Merit of Ivanhoe (as well as the Lord of the famed manor of Ivanhoe/Ivinghoe), I am tasked with upholding the ethos associated with such titles. This role extends beyond mere titular honor; this name involves a commitment to fostering ethical values in society, a crucial aspect of my lineage's tradition and essential for genuine personal growth.  In this site you can:  Learn how the Grail tradition can be useful to you , Templar connections , Techniques from the Grail traditionExplore the Fief , Explore the history of Anneville , get the knowledge to create your alchemical balson , ask to open a delegation or to be a correspondent

The old Manor House is still the official seat of our Manorial Court 

Three Reasons Every Guernseyman Should Be Proud of Anneville 

Our Garenne d'Anneville is now a beautiful park open to the public

Beyond the honor of holding Court in my domain, the ancient Garenne endures, now repurposed as a public park for all to relish. We proudly embody a unique facet of what renders this locale so exceptional.

One of the original Grants of Anneville

Help us to bring to the world the direct benefits of the norman spiritual heritage and the Grail chivalric tradition !

Despite successes across various fields, it remains a humbling honor to serve as the steward of a remarkable private fiefdom where I hold the title of Seigneur. This position is a rare privilege in today's world, overseeing a real norman manor whose history spans a millennium  This role transcends a mere title; it's a calling, one that I embrace with both humility and a profound sense of purpose and that permitted me to delve and discover the secrets of the norman tradition of the Grail that resonates with my search in the states of supraconscience that I began years ago.

As the Seigneur of Anneville, my distinctive position extends beyond lineage to a legal and moral succession, officially validated by the State of Guernsey through my role in the Royal Court. As the heir to a noble Norman tradition and as the guardian of the symbolic Grail of inner transformation, I hold a dual and unique role. My inheritance is not just a transfer of knowledge but also a formal charge that qualifies me as the legitimate successor and spokesperson of this ancient wisdom. My mission is to rejuvenate and convey these teachings, revealing how presence can be a key to profound change and personal authenticity, echoing the chivalric values and spiritual integrity that I have inherited and to which I am deeply committed. 

My lineage celebrates the intellectual curiosity, exemplified by the past Seigneur Prof Cyril Northcote Parkinson, known globally for his management law. Parkinson not only explored the historical narrative of the Seigneurie through his writings but also revived the feudal court, nurturing a living connection with our rich past.

This bestows upon me the solemn responsibility to safeguard and invigorate Norman and chivalric traditions. A duty I undertake with unwavering dedication, guided by a blend of ancient wisdom and modern insights. I uphold this duty by preserving ancient institutions while also melding my own expertise into them. Given my background in human development, I accentuate those ancient and contemporary practices related to the Norman tradition of the Grail, aimed at advancing human well-being and disseminating practical applications and also I analyzed the history of Victor Hugo, famous in the island that applied in his quest techniques derived from animal magnetism. In this venture, I leverage my extensive knowledge in hypnotic fascination and non-verbal hypnosis, fields where I have garnered recognition as a world authority. The Grail also represents an exploration into supraconscious states, a concept that my modern expertise helps elucidate. This contemporary understanding resonates with the intellectual ethos associated with the Seigneurie, expanding its relevance through the historical narrative rekindled by Parkinson, a narrative I endeavor to enrich with my modern understanding and practice. Additionally, I seek to offer these techniques to assist and foster growth within a community of like-minded individuals. 

The work I do is historically based and in it the Grail transcends a mere relic or object; it epitomizes a state of being, a transformative journey open to each one of us. How to do this path? This journey entails unraveling one's basic compulsions to ascend to higher states of consciousness. For example, the castles encountered in the Grail quest (in the second continuation of Wauchier de Denain) symbolize the surmounting of these primordial forces, guiding us toward a more enlightened state of being. Intriguingly, the blazons featured also within the cycle evolve as one's personality transforms in an alchemical manner.

Intriguingly, Wace, the chronicler thought by many scholars to have inspired Chrétien de Troyes, even mentioned a Seigneur d'Anneville. The historical association of the relatives of the founder of the Seigneurie even extend to the Knights Templar, as evidenced by Jordan d'Anneville's wife, Beatrice de Lacy, who granted land to this enigmatic order during the reign of King John. My commitment transcends theoretical discourse; it is a decision and a tangible effort to bring historical and spiritual wealth into the fabric of today's world in a practical way. Through initiatives and collaborations, including those with experts as I am also, we aim to make a meaningful impact on both individual lives and the broader community.  The teachings I hold are useful to everybody as permit personal and social evolution. 

And this mission gains added significance when conducted through the ceremonial and official framework of my Seigneurie. This acts as a tool  which is woven from the same historical and social threads as the "Quest for the Holy Grail," thereby making this Seigneurie a living legacy, act fact acknowledged by the State of Guernsey as an integral part of its origins. In this way, the Seigneurie d'Anneville serves not just as a historical monument but as a dynamic institution actively contributing to human development and well-being.

dr. Paret and various other eminent Seigneurs of the island

Our Values

FROM THE DESK OF Dr. MARCO PARET Seigneur d'Anneville:

In my esteemed capacity as the Seigneur of Anneville, I take immense pride in my annual personal official attendance at Guernsey's Royal Court of Chief Pleas. As the representative of Anneville, a district steeped in a 950-year history tracing back to the Norman era, my presence symbolizes the enduring strength of our local traditions. Being part of this eminent Court is one of the highest honours to be bestowed upon anyone in Guernsey—an honor at the height of which I always aspire to be. The Royal Court of Chief Pleas serves not merely as the state's official body, but as an august institution that encapsulates the unique character of our island. Indeed, the Court stands as one of the defining elements that bestow upon Guernsey its special character, serving as a wellspring of pride for us all, dating back to Norman times. 

A first element are my duties and responsibilities there, which are also to maintain historical continuity with our Anglo-Norman past. Together with the other Seigneurs of Guernsey, we represent the cultural heritage of Guernsey's "founding fathers". 

A second element is my decision to attend this Assembly in person, because we could legally delegate our role, but we do not. We have chosen to be present. Our presence is also a reminder of the importance of ideals and values. And also because our presence here is also a credit to the past, a reminder that the energy and enthusiasm you put into creating something you do can last for centuries. 

A third element is that as seigneurs we choose to pay homage there every year. The word 'homage' is derived from 'human' and reminds us of the importance of human values and personal commitment. It reminds us of the importance of our discipline and commitment to others. In the past, it was not a contract but the simple touching of hands that was seen as a commitment. 

Our contemporary society and politics tend by nature to appeal to emotions, to develop hedonism and to forget the importance of the individual as such. In reality, ideals and human values are the foundation of society. Every time people do not follow high ideals, they follow money and short-sighted points of view. 

We, the Seigneurs of the Island, are called upon here to symbolically remind everyone that there is a higher level at which work should be done on long-term goals and for the good of the people of Guernsey. Seigneurs always worked in an apolytical way, and the territory and stability was at the center. The goal in the past was not in exploiting the most the workers, but instead to create a stable structure were each one had his space and his traditions. 

Also there is a code of conduct that we find in our specific cultural Anglo-Norman heritage.

My predecessors had great responsibility for Guernsey and were always concerned to keep the Anglo-Norman heritage alive. They thought it was important. I am continuing that heritage. I want to raise awareness of that heritage not only in Guernsey but especially in the outside world.

And I have my opinion on this society. I am glad to have the opportunity to share them with people who want to listen. I want to pass on what I have learned in life and through my experiences. This website will be one, but not the only, of my methods of expressing this. 

My work is reconnecting people with themselves... and in Guernsey to reconnect Guernsey with his past

The High Ideals we want to transmit to the world

Personally, as I pay personnally hommage, I refer to the old code of conduct of the Norman lords and to the spiritual heritage of the past when I look for a role model. This code, which formed the basis of chivalry, was first set down in our great Norman literature, which has brought so much to the world. As examples I cite Perceval, Crethien de Troyes and Le comte du Graal.

I intend to live up to these high standards when I sit in the Royal Court as the moral representative of the island's historical continuity. In a sense, the Royal Court extends in time and space. This means that it represents the past, the present and the future, the roots of the islands and the present moment, to prevent a helplessly short-sighted and perhaps unintentionally selfish present from taking over.

I am officially a representative of this heritage, which is also the basis for the existence of the Norman Islands as an independent state.

We read:
In the 17th century in Jersey, 'At the top of the tree were the Squirearchy, the Seigneurs.' ... 'They expected to be addressed by the name of their fiefs, Monsieur des Saumarès, Monsieur de Sotel, Monsieur de St Ouen. They spoke of themselves as the Noblesse, for in Jersey as in France, Nobility was considered to begin with the Ecuyer and not as in England with the Baron.' From N.V.L. Rybot, 'Social Life in Jersey in the early 17th century', Bull. Annuel de la Société Jersiaise, 1941 XIV (2), pp. 76 ff. The same applied in Guernsey; Pierre de Beauvoir, for example, was known as 'Monsieur des Granges,' or simply, 'des Granges.' 

We are also representatives of what was once the top of Guernsey society.

In today's society, though, there is only one distinction that truly applies: that which comes from one's mind.

A Seigneur should always maintain a code of conduct that is strictly interwoven with chivalric ideals.

Chivalry is not about outward appearance; it is about an inner spirit. We want to convey the idea that an inner chivalric code of conduct is fundamental. It first came to light in an ancient Anglo-Norman poem called Perceval, and we want to develop it further in relation to our Norman tradition.

Of course, we cannot oblige anyone; but we can promote our ideals through premiums, prizes, and entries in our register. Membership of our Manorial Court is there to give recognition to those who work in this direction.

St. Sampson , consecrated the 22nd of May , 1111 by Antony Susar , Bishop of Coûtance , in the presence of Julien De Prade , governor of the island and Richard D'Anneville , son of Sampson D'Anneville  has always been the reference church for the seigneurs of Anneville that hed a bank there

Our history

It is both an honor and a privilege for me to be the custodian of some of the final remaining grand private fiefs of Normandy, directly registered under Her Majesty's Crown Dependencies. Among these distinguished properties is Anneville, a seigneurie often described as "the most venerable and renowned not only in Guernsey but across all of Her Majesty's Dominions." Historically, Anneville constituted a significant quarter of Guernsey, and its Seigneur is esteemed as the first in rank following the clergy. Owners of Anneville have consistently found inspiration to stand at the vanguard of historical progress, assuming roles of considerable significance. One notable predecessor who held my current position was Cyril Northcote Parkinson, esteemed as one of the leading luminaries in the field of management.

The ancient Seigneurie "— of Anneville— " derived its name from the Seigneur of Anneville." This sounds rather funny till you get the hang of it from the context. Anybody who knows anything about the Guernsey Fiefs must be aware that it was in reward for his services in rescuing the islanders from an invasion of the Sarrazins, that Sampson d'Anneville, Esquire of Duke William of Normandy (afterwards the Conqueror), was granted in 1061, one half of the western portion of the island under the title of the Fief d'Anneville. Sampson drew after him a number of emigrants from Normandy to settle upon his Fief, and Duke William gave to other Norman squires tracts of land in Guernsey, such as the Manors of Sausmarez, Les Bruniaux de St. Martin, Mauxmarquis, Rohais, etc., and to the Abbot of St. Michael and the Seigneur d'Anneville were accorded droits de haute justice, or the privilege of judging, condemning, and executing criminals. And all this was comfortably arranged and settled before the Conquest ! The Fief d'Anneville changed bands several times during succeeding centuries till, in 1509, it came into the possession of Nicolas Fachin, Gentleman Usher to Henry VIII. Anneville's estate then included tbe branch of Le Comte, which, in 1630, George Fachin, sold to Peter Priaulx. From the Priaulxs Le Comte passed, in 1722, to the Le Marchants, and subsequently through a female brancher into the possession of the Hutchesson family, in which it now remains. The original Anneville Fief, with dependencies, came to the Andros family in 1660 by the marriage of Alice Fachin, sole heiress of the Fief, with Charles Andros, Captain of the St. Martin's Regiment, and brother of Amias Andros, Bailiff of Guernsey in 1661. Thus this ancient Fief is now in the nine hundred and sixty-first year of ite existence, and there can hardly be a more interesting relic of feudal times extant in the dominions of the British Crown. 

Official shield of Seigneur MARCO PARET

Registered at Commission Heraldique de France

Ancient Shield of Anneville

These are the same colours of the shield of Bors in the Comte du Graal.

Read here on alchemical heraldry and the Comte du Graal


What is a Guernsey Seigneury? 

History and Tradition

The Seigneuries of Guernsey stand unparalleled in their global uniqueness, boasting a rich history and tradition that hark back to feudal times. This historical lineage imbues the role of their Seigneurs with profound cultural and social significance, elevating them beyond mere titles to become integral parts of the community. What distinguishes these Seigneuries is their legal authority to function as self-sufficient entities, endowed with their own distinct customs and judicial systems. Guernsey, as a state, holds its feudal heritage in the highest regard, thereby underscoring the remarkable stability of its institutional framework. 

Legal Recognition

The Seigneuries are still legally recognized, and a select few even hold seats in the Court of Chief Pleas, which historically serves a role akin to the House of Lords in Normandy. This legal standing endows them with a level of officially sanctioned legitimacy. The Seigneury of Anneville can have a Court that is a Legal Statutory Body recognized by the laws of the island.

Powers and Responsibilities

The Seigneur has specific rights and responsibilities, including the authority to intervene in matters concerning the territory. For instance, the Seigneur has the prerogative to uphold the decorum of the land and can impose fines within the Court for non-compliance. Additionally, the Seigneur retains the right of "treizieme" on the sale of subfiefs.

Autonomy and Authority

the Seigneurship's legal standing allows it to exercise a unique set of powers and responsibilities that are both traditional and legally sanctioned. One of the most intriguing aspects is its ability to create both a Court and as well an "Order of the Manor/Lordship" of chivalric merit for example, for people deserving it. This allows the Seigneur to establish a hierarchical structure within the manor, complete with various dignities such as "vavasseur," provost, and seneschal. These roles are not merely ceremonial; they come with specific duties and responsibilities that contribute to the governance and functioning of the manor.

Moreover, the Seigneur has the authority to receive homage or oaths of loyalty ("swears") from these dignitaries. This act of fealty is not just a symbolic gesture but a legally recognized form of allegiance that binds the individuals to the Seigneur and the governance of the manor.

This ability to create an internal governance structure, complete with its own dignitaries and legal procedures, sets the Seigneurship apart. It offers a compelling blend of autonomy and authority, all within a framework that is legally recognized and accountable. This makes the Seigneurship a fascinating example of how historical forms of governance can adapt and thrive within the modern legal landscape, offering a level of independence that is both meaningful and responsibly exercised.

Feudal Rights

The Seigneurship has specific feudal rights, such as the right on certain assets as the Manor House (Manoir des Annevilles), on some chapels, and to levy taxes on the sale of subfiefs. These rights are not just traditional but are also legally recognized and regulated. In the past these rights were even stronger but still now they exist.

Relationship with the State

The Seigneurship has a formal and recognized relationship with the state, represented by its direct relationship with the King's representative. This formalizes its role and responsibilities within the larger governance structure.

Official Court

Already in the past it was noted that a Seigneury was sure more than a simple economic relationship as the emphytheusis. The presence of an official court with judicial powers further underscores the legitimacy and authority of the Seigneurship. This court is not just a ceremonial entity but has the power to make legal decisions in the matters of its competence, or, with agreement of the parts involved, to act as an arbitral court, adding another layer of governance and accountability.

In summary, the Seigneurie in Guernsey is a multifaceted institution that blends history, legal recognition, and governance in a way that is deeply rooted in both tradition and law. It offers a compelling model for those interested in forms of governance that are both autonomous and integrated within a larger legal framework.

Anneville Today

Today, I believe the seigneurie and fief should foster much more than economic development; they should cultivate cultural enrichment, a sense of community both internally and externally, and serve as repositories of traditions conducive to inner growth. As a custodian of this tradition, I feel I must develop its finest aspects .
My Seigneury of Anneville currently pursues two distinct directions of development:

Drawing from the rich historical narrative of Anneville, notably enriched by past Seigneur Northcote Parkinson, I, Dr. Marco Paret, am driven to continue this legacy of intellectual curiosity. Parkinson's explorations of the Seigneurie's past and his efforts in reviving the feudal court serve as a vivid backdrop to my own journey into the realms of mind and consciousness. This journey aligns with the goals of the Norman Grail tradition and explores hypnotism and mesmerism, thereby connecting also with the legacy of Victor Hugo on the island, who was impassioned by animal magnetism techniques. 

The synergy between the historical narrative and modern transformative techniques engenders a rich, layered experience that bridges past and present. This narrative continuity is celebrated and explored through digital platforms - and offering a unique journey from the historical roots of Anneville to the modern-day exploration of hypnotic and neurolinguistic realms.